24. november 2017 @ 22:00 – 26. november 2017 @ 23:55 Europe/Bratislava Časová zóna
Záhreb @ Chorvátsko
Bachata Inspire Weekend Workshops (BIWW) @ Bachata Inspire

Bachata Inspire Weekend Workshops (BIWW)
* English below

Bachata Inspire vam donosi novi level bachate u vaš grad. Vikend radionice s najboljim bachata instruktorima iz Hrvatske i regije. Ova vrsta radionica će se održavati 1 mjesečno.

O svemu ćemo vas obavještavati preko naše FB stranice: Bachata Inspire te naše emailing liste. Ukoliko se želite prijaviti na emailing listu pošaljite na email sa vašim imenom i prezimenom na

Par razloga zašto sudjelovati na ovim radionicama:
1) 7 – 14 sati radionica te 3 partija za 150 – 225 kn ? Veoma povoljni omjer cijene i kvalitete
2) Vrhunske bachata radionice u vašem gradu, ne morate trošiti novac na put, smještaj, itd.
3) Sensual bachata koju je teško naći u našem susjedstvu
4) Osim figura i elemenata predajemo i tehniku plesa i bachate
5) Full cool instruktori, puno zabavnih trenutaka i plesnih uspomena 🙂

Prvi od naših gostiju su Jerko & Maja koji nam dolaze iz Splita. Vrhunski instruktori sensual bachate koji su glavni razlog zašto Split ima odličnu bachata scenu. Ako ste do sada ikada bili na njihovim radionicama, sigurni smo da ćete ih posjetiti ovaj puta a ako do sada još niste, ovu priliku nećete propustiti 😉

Jerko i Maja bachatu plešu već dugi niz godina, a široj publici predstavili su se po prvi put 2012. godine nastupom na otvaranju 1st Dalmatia Summer Festivala. Od 2013. do danas podučavaju bachatu u Splitu, a znanje prenose i na raznim festivalima poput Sensual Dance Explosion Festivala (2013.), Salsa Split Silvester Nights (2016), Svjetski dan plesa u Zagrebu (2016, 2017), Sibenik Beach Splash Festival (2017.) te Salsa Dance Festival u Čakovcu (2017.). Njihov talent i stil prepoznat je i tražen pa tijekom navedenog perioda intenzivno prenose svoje plesno znanje u Splitu, Šibeniku i Zadru. Njihova ljubav prema plesu, ali i stručni i profesionalni pristup radu rezultiraju širenjem sensualne bachate i stvaranju brojnih zaljubljenika u ovaj ples. Može se reći kako su tijekom vremena Jerko i Maja sa svojim senzualnim stilom postali ikone senzualne bachate u Dalmaciji.

Roberto & Kristina su voditelji plesnog studia Bachata Inspire kojima je najveća strast podijeliti s vama njihovo plesno znanje i naučiti vas plesnu tehniku i nove figure. Pratimo svjetski standard bachate i donosimo vam najnovije trendove iz bachata svijeta. Iako veoma svježi u bachata svijetu, Roberto i Kristina su bili dio 1st Zagreb Bachata Festivala kao instruktori te će također držati radionice na Dame dos festivalu u Zagrebu.
Live, Dance, Inspire!

Gulsah Can je salsa/bachata instruktorica iz Turske koja je trenutno na Europskoj volonterskoj službi u Urbanoj mladeži na godinu dana. U Turskoj i Njemačkoj je vodila svoje plesne škole salse i bachate te se natjecatelja na brojnim plesnim festivalima.

– Na glavnom podiju zabavljati će vas Kristina i Roberto sa bachatom
– U žutoj dvorani za vas pušta DJ Knez salsu i kizombu

– Radionice: 25.11. i 26.11.2017.
– Partiji počinju od 22h: 24.11. Petak / 25.11. Subota / 26.11. Nedjelja

– Radionice će se održati u dvorani plesnog studia Bachata Inspire u Ulici Josipa Račića 5 (1 tram stanica od Kvatrića prema Dubravi – Mašićeva)
– Lokacija partija je Buena Vista clubm Savska 121

– Beginners/Improver full pass / Early bird 20€ (Prvih 20 karata) / Normal price 25€ / Na dan događanja 30€
– Intermediate/Advanced full pass / Early bird 20€ (Prvih 20 karata) / Na dan događanja 30€
– Combo pass (All workshops) / 30€ / Na dan događanja 40€
* Broj ulaznica limitiran na 40 ulaznica za razinu Beginners/Improver i 40 ulaznica za razinu Intermediate/Advanced
– Party pass mozete kupiti kod nas po cijeni od 50 kn sto uključuje sva 3 partija ili na ulazu gdje će cijena biti 30 kn po partiju. Prijava za party pass je na ovome linku (…)

– Prvi korak: Ispunite ovu prijavnicu…
– Drugi korak: Javiti ćemo vam se povratno da se dogovorimo za plaćanje: osobni dolazak *, online, preko plesne škole ili promotora, itd.
– Treći korak: Plešemo zajedno 🙂
* Preporučena prijava u paru no nije obavezna

* Osobni dolazak
Ukoliko ste iz Zagreba možete doći po vaš pass na trening utorkom i četvrtkom na istoj adresi ili na jedan od lokalnih party gdje ćemo i mi biti (po dogovoru).

—————– ENGLISH —————–
Bachata Inspire Weekend Workshops (BIWW)

Bachata Inspire brings you new bachata level to your city. A weekend workshops with the best bachata instructors from Croatia and region. This kind of workshops will be held 1 per month.

We will inform you about everything via our FB site: Bachata Inspire and our email lists. If you want to subscribe to emailing list, send email with your name and surname at

Several reasons why to participate in these workshops:
1) 7 – 14 hours workshop and 3 parties for 150 – 225 kn? Amazing price-quality ratio
2) Top bachata workshops in your city, you do not have to spend money on your travel, accommodation, etc.
3) Sensual bachata that is difficult to find in our region
4) Apart from dance combinations we also give dance and bachate technique
5) Full cool instructors, lots of fun moments and dance memories 🙂

The first of our guests are Jerko & Maja who come from Split. Top quality sensual bachata instructors who are the main reason why Split has a great bachata scene. If you have ever been to their workshops, we are sure you will visit them this time and if you have not already done so, you will not miss this opportunity 😉

Jerko and Maja are dancing bachata for many years now. They had their show for the first time in 2012 at the opening of 1st Dalmatia Summer Festival. Since 2013, they have been teaching bachata in Split, and participating as instructors at various festivals such as Sensual Dance Explosion Festival (2013), Salsa Split Silvester Nights (2016), World Dance Day in Zagreb (2016, 2017), Šibenik Beach Splash Festival (2017) and Salsa Dance Festival in Čakovec (2017). Their talents and style is recognized and wanted because of which they teach bachata not only in Split but as well in Šibenik and Zadar. Their love for dance, as well as years of work and professional approach resulted in popularizing sensual bachata in Croatia and creation of many bachata dancers. It can be said that during this time Jerko and Maja with their sensual style became the icons of sensual bachata in Dalmatia.

Roberto & Kristina are instructors of dance studio Bachata Inspire whose greatest passion is to share with you their dance knowledge, teach you dance technique and new combinations. Bachata Inspire follows world standard of bachata and brings you the latest trends from bachata world. Although very fresh in bachata world they already been instructors on 1st Bachata Zagreb festival and Dame dos festival. Live, Dance, Inspire!

Gulsah Can is a salsa/bachata instructor from Turkey who is currently at the European Volunteer Service in Urban Youth for a year. In Turkey and Germany she has been managing her dance school for salsa and bachata and was competing at numerous competitions in Turkey.

– On main floor your DJ’s will be Kristina i Roberto with bachata music
– On second floor you there will be DJ Knez with salsa and kizomba

– Workshops: 25.11. and 26.11.2017.
– Parties are starting from 22h: 24.11. Friday / 25.11. Saturday / 26.11. Sunday

– The workshops will take place in the dance studio Bachata Inspire at Ulica Josipa Račića 5 (1 tram stop from Kvatrica to Dubrava – Mašićeva)
– Parties will be in Buena Vista club on Savska 120

– Beginners / Improver full pass / Early bird 20 € (First 20 tickets) / Normal price 25 € / On day of event 30 €
– Intermediate / Advanced full pass / Early bird 20 € (First 20 tickets) / On day of event 30 €
– Combo pass (All workshops) / 30 € / On day of event 40 €
* Number of tickets limited to 40 tickets for the Beginners/Improver level and 40 tickets for the Intermediate/Advanced level
– Party pass you can buy by contacting us for price of 50 kn (7€) and it includes all 3 parties or at the entrance for 30 kn per party (4€). Please register for your party pass here (…)

– Step One: Complete this Application Form…
– Step Two: We’ll get back to you for a payment: paying in person *, online, via dance school or promoter, etc.
– Third Step: We dance together 🙂
* It is recommended to register in pairs but it is not obligatory

* Personal arrival
If you are from Zagreb you can come buy your pass on one of our dance trainings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the same address (Ulica Josipa Račića 5) or at one of the local parties in Zagreb when we agree to meet there.