17. august 2018 @ 18:00 – 20. august 2018 @ 6:00 Europe/Bratislava Časová zóna
Berlín @ Nemecko
All You Can Dance: BerlinSalsaMarathon 2018 @ Tanzschule bebop

Join us for the first SalsaMarathon in Berlin!
Are you a passionate social dancer? I mean really passionate? A little extreme maybe? The kind that hardly ever gets to see much more of a city than the congress venue, because you want to save your feet for dancing literally every song at the party? The kind that only rarely manages to do workshops, because when they start you are still at an after party breakfast. The kind that misses the shows because you just can’t make time for it, torn between hanging out with your friends and taking a little nap so you last longer on the dance floor?
Well, we might just have the event for you!
Let me invite you to 44 hours of social dancing with 250 like minded souls in a most beautiful location at riverfront in the heart of Berlin. We are going to create a happy bubble full of excellent music, lovely people and great dancing. Food and water are included, so you don’t have to go on a nightly chase after a mingy Mars bar to keep you going. We will provide the perfect framework for your social dancing madness! Okay, the part with the sightseeing? We are only going to make it worse by opening up our dance floor at 2pm already. But since there are not going to be any workshops or shows, you at least don’t have to feel bad about missing them. And the relentless dancing and hanging out with your friends? Well, this is what this event is about!

PS: 😀