Welcome LIKE Frankfurt Edition!!!
This 1st Edition will be held at the Fleming’s Conference Hotel in Frankfurt am Main from the 23rd till 26th Morning of Feburary.
Instructors Line Up:
Paulo & Lanna ★
Frans & Sarah ★
Joao & Giedre ★
Alvaro & Mirabella ★
Melina ★
George & Liza ★
Stone’s & Sabine ★
Iris & Christine ★
Hien & Jenny ★
Djs line up:
Dj Carlos king ★
Dj Dani Fernandes & Lisa Rose★
Dj Supaman ★
Dj Rock ★
Dj IrisWo ★
Dj Angelkizz ★
2 Rooms for night parties:
1. Kizomba/Semba
2. Urban Kizz
************** PRICES ************
Women Pass – Sold Out
Men Pass – Available at the door
Friday party – 15€ (gives access to the party from 22:30)
Saturday party – 20€ (gives access to the class at 22:00 and party from 23:00)
Sunday party – 10€ (gives access to the party from 21:00)
The 3 night parties available for Women and Men
After 20th of February online sales are closed, you can buy tickets at the event and pay in CASH
Friday: 19:00-03:30
Saturday: 10:30-13:00, 14:00-19:00, 21:30-03:30
Sunday: 10:30-13:00, 14:00-02:30
1 week before the festival, we can´t guarantee availability.
Please contact hotel directly by phone +49 69 37003 0
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